Throughout the year, the "Fouesn' Pom' Girls" team sets up professionalization actions to allow partners to learn or acquire knowledge about the tourist offer, digital technology, regulations, etc.
discover the territory and its tourist offer
Concretely: » you wish to know the tourist offer of the territory to better speak about it to your hosts.
Services offered by UNWTO:
We organize “eductours” days aimed at tourism stakeholders in order to discover the territory's offer, test activities and allow partners to meet and discuss.
We animate information meetings for partners and seasonal workers to present the destination, its tourist offer, services and facilities.
Train on digital to better communicate on the internet
Concretely: » you want to communicate and promote your establishment on the internet, you have a project to create a website, referencing or animation of your social networks,…
Services offered by UNWTO:
We organize and lead digital group workshops in order to train you on themes (create your site with Jimdo, natural referencing, manage your e-reputation, etc.)
We offer individual support to follow you in the development of your digital project. “You have followed the training to create your website but you need help or advice at the end of the training. »
Learn about tourism topics
Concretely: » you are looking for information on topics related to your business or a digital project, tourist tax,….
Service offered by UNWTO: We propose to supply the partner partner space of the website with toolboxes / sections on different themes: tourist tax, digital, seasonal rental, etc.
UNWTO Annual Action Program
Activity Report