The Kerbader chapel & its bread oven


The Kerbader chapel dates from the 18th century and replaces an earlier building from the 16th century. It is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Our Lady of Mercy is sometimes called Our Lady of Snows. According to legend, this name has two reasons. The first is that it would have snowed on the day of forgiveness of Kerbader. The second is the literal translation from Breton. In fact, the pronunciations are similar. In reality, it is indeed Our Lady of Mercy, as it is written on the pieta, which can be found inside the chapel. It represents Mary carrying Jesus on her knees. We can read
“Mater Dolorosa”, word for word, “Mother Sorrowful”, in Breton: “Itron Varia an nec'h”, which means Our Lady of Mercy. A pardon takes place every year on the third or fourth Sunday in August.

Behind the chapel, you can see the bread oven. Originally the latter was located in the hamlet of Trégonnour in Mousterlin. The stones were kept by the town hall in order to rebuild it identically. 15 days of preheating are required to prepare the oven for baking to reach the desired temperature. The bread festival takes place at the beginning of May.


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