In this extraordinary adventure, quality is everywhere. Let's see how it is defined and translated on a daily basis? What means does Fouesnant-les Glénan put in place to aim for excellence? We explain it to you in the last pages of this manual.

A few bits of history: “Maintaining an apple tree requires time, a lot of patience and energy, but above all, a desire to harvest the most beautiful apples, those that will make Fouesnant-les Glénan famous. Driven by unfailing motivation, the "Fouesn' Pom' Girls" team strives every day to provide the best of itself to obtain a zero-defect result. »

Sustained quality

The Tourist Office and the community are above all a solid relationship and a contract of trust. In the beginning, there is the municipality of...

Organized quality

One day UNWTO had a bright idea…. gain access to the Quality Tourism label. To do this, the team began to imagine the Quality policy...

An assessed quality

As part of our quality approach, the UNWTO has implemented several tools to assess the satisfaction of visitors/residents/partners. In order to continuously improve our...

Accompanied Quality

The UNWTO has a working committee (more commonly known as the "Destination Quality Group"), to support it in setting up and monitoring...