UNWTO has a Working Committee (more commonly known as “Destination Quality Group”), in order to support it in setting up and monitoring its quality approach.

While the UNWTO regularly brings together its team of "Fouesn' Pom' Girls" to work on quality on a daily basis, it also mobilizes a GQD composed mainly of people outside the UNWTO to reflect on the strategic orientations of quality.

A quesaco GQD? It is a group made up of actors who work for the development of tourism in the destination. It is made up of the management, the RAQ, elected officials and representatives of the socio-professionals of Fouesnant. The GQD is facilitated by UNWTO.

A GQD for what? In charge of supporting the OMT and working on projects to be carried out in Fouesnant, the GQD is a place for discussion and reflection to include quality in a process of continuous progress.

A GQD mobilized when? The OMT plans at least two meetings per year, either at the beginning (May) and at the end of the season (November).

Information likely to be modified according to the health context

GQD report

GQD monitoring table