The flow of information
Good internal communication between the “Fouesn' Pom' Girls” is essential. Any information received is communicated to colleagues and/or management.
To ensure that the information circulates and that the whole team is aware of it, the OMT has set up two tools as well as discussion times.
A shared information space
- The Google drive. All shared documents can be viewed and completed/edited by the whole team.
A transmission book
It is a tool in excel format placed on the Google drive. Shared with the whole team, it is made up of the sections below:
- Transmissions (useful information to share with the team)
- Socio-professional information (useful information concerning a partner)
- Oral/written remarks (opinion given by a visitor)
- Incidents (a situation/problem related to internal functioning)
- Complaint (a person who makes a complaint and who we follow up with)
- Opinion on the OMT (a person who expresses his opinion on the OMT)
Team meetings and work meetings
Two monthly meetings are organized (except summer) with all the “Fouesn' Pom' Girls”. These meetings are an opportunity to take stock of the files of each member of the team but also to discuss and reflect on the projects to be carried out. At the end of each meeting, a report is drafted and sent to all staff.
In addition to team meetings, the management is available to each member of the 'Fouesn' Pom' Girls' in order to discuss or work on a particular project.
Handbook of transmissions
Minutes of team meetings